Monday, November 12, 2007


I see local service clubs losing membership. Here in Ladner BC, the average Service Club membership is older now because young people aren't joining. Older members are tiring off and burning out. The clubs are reducing in size and naturally reducing the amount of good they will be able to do, and they do a lot of things for the community which would fall into the hands of the municipality paid for by our taxes.

People are so busy now trying to make ends meet. Mom & Dad both working. Who's got time to spare? Kid's volunteer for work experience and then don't have time to volunteer just to be of help.
The Community needs good young people to volunteer, as a matter of fact the community needs everyone and anyone to volunteer. A good place to get involved is a local service club, and there are many. They all do good work, have great comaraderie and for the selfish part of your selfless act (YOU WILL GET NOTICED).
I heard it again the other day about 'It takes a community to raise a child'. I've written before using this same idea that 'it takes a community to raise a successful business'. But what happens if the community doesn't care. Everybody's on their own and the whole process slows right down.
I say it again and write it again.... It takes a community to raise a successful business. People working in concert. Staff, Suppliers, Customers, IT, Couriers, Banking, Family, People on the street, everybody.
My business is aimed at helping people who are helping themselves. People who are doing things to get noticed. Doing things for their community. It's okay to be a little selfish and do things for the particular community that can help your business in the long run. For instance, if you volunteer for your Chamber of Commerce and become involved in events and functions, you will be noticed. Just like if you volunteer and work with your church, your hospital thrift shop, your local food bank or business association. YOU WILL BE NOTICED.
Not everyone you talk to wants nor needs your services but chances are they know someone that does. That's the referral you want. If you're a good volunteer somewhere, someone remembers that and mentions it to a friend who needs your services. How much better does it get.
If you want to get noticed amongst the crowd of competitors, suppliers and customers, try advertising through promotional products directed to the target. If you want to promote your product, company or event, try advertising through promotional products directed to that target.
If you want to reward your faithful, loyal, hardworking, innovative employees, try rewards through promotional products directed to that target. If you want to be remembered and stand out at a Trade Show event, try promotional products directed to that target.

Do they teach about volunteering at Entreprenuerial School?
Rod Winning is the president of Winning Fairways Inc. Promotional Products for Success Rod has a background in business.
Article Source:

Thursday, October 11, 2007


In August, for my 70th birthday, my son Michael took me
to Lima Peru and to Machu Picchu. To say that it was an awesome trip is an understatement. The people of Peru are friendly and helpful. Always glad to try to talk with us. Very industrious in all activities. To us some people appear to be very poor (and I'm sure they are) but they live in pride and work hard to manage.

About 2 hours flight in a brand new boeing 757 wide body to Cusco got us on our way. The adventure began.
Machu Picchu is now a wonder of the modern world. We stayed at Cusco for 1 day at a 5 star hotel and the 1 day at Aqua Caliente, the town at the community of Machu Picchu. The 4 1/2 hr train trip was very interesting. Almost 1 hour of that time was to negotiate the hill to get out of Cusco and over the mountain top. Several switchbacks back and forth up the mountain. Then it was on through hand manicured farm lands (no machinery) and through the rugged lands and rivers. The spectacular high snow covered mountain peaks and glaciers. I was suprised to see them. They look like the Rockies.

Lots of people get off at Ollyantambu and take the 4 day Inca Trail, Some get off closer to Aqua and walk for about 8 hours on the last part of the trail.

From Aqua, we took a modern Mercedes bus up to the mountain city. Everything that had prepared us for the actual sight was not enough to really describe what there is to see. The terracing is every where, not just on the mountain top but on other mountains along the train trip as well.

We couldn't get over the fact that these Incan's had built this city out of the land, right on top
of the rugged mountain tops at Machu Picchu. They needed to build in such a way as to protect themselves against any attack. They made it virtually impossible for anyone to invade or attack. They worked together, they probably had incentives and they certainly had leaders and community.

I've written before about comparing your business efforts with the efforts of the Incans.
Did they have a plan? Take a look at these 10 topics I've written about and see how you or the Incans may have used them.

10 Great Topics to help you with your business.

-The Ideal Customers
-The Theory of Recognition
-Timing, Timing, Timing
-The Next Great Idea
-Need to Succeed
-How to differentiate yourself
-It Takes a Community to Build a Business

I keep thinking that there has to be more to it
but I think if you keep doing the right things,
your business will grow.
Focus on your business. Don't get strung out with
more new ideas than you can handle with ease.

Have fun, network, get other people to help you
while you are helping them.

Build your community.
Call me anytime for promotional products or just to ask direction.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Machu Picchu and Your Business

500 years ago, the Inca's built this masterpiece city on the top of mountains, completely protected from their enemies. Self sustaining, hidden, high in the mountain region of the Andies and safe.
This 'Lost City of the Inca's' is now on of the 7 wonders of the modern world. When it was found, it was in pretty much the state that the Inca's left it, although the weather has played a part in deterioration.
The people of Machu Picchu are working steadily to rebuild and ruins and maintain the city as it was. It is open from about 7AM to 5PM every day. There is a gate on the trail to Wauen Picchu where the city reaches it's highest points and the trails are narrow and one way. It is the mountain peak so famous in pictures as seen above. One way up and one way down. Only 400 people can do this climb each day and they have usually filled up by 7:30 AM.
So what has this to do with Promotional Products and my business?
Well I've always had a motto when a job came along which just looked too tough that it may not be possible. 'They built the Pyramids, didn't they? Once you size your job up against the Pyramids, then all of a sudden the task at hand doesn't look so big and impossible.
Now I can say 'They built Machu Picchu didn't they? We should be able to do anything we put our mind to. The Incan's were just people with a plan and they took to it and got it done.
So what's the difference to us. We have a plan (don't we?) so let's get to it and get it done.
If your plan includes promoting your company far and wide, and you think you could use some help in the promotional products department, give me a call.
Machu Picchu is so vast, amazing and beautiful that you can't prepare yourself for the viewing. Whatever you think you are going to see, it is that and more. Even before you get on site, you will be seeing things which will amaze you.
It definitely is a must see
Rod Winning

Friday, August 24, 2007

Start a Collection of Promotional Products

Would you like people to collect your promotional products?

Sometimes you can put your name on a little inexpensive trinket, which has no useful purpose, and you find that everyone wants one. They'll keep it for ever and always remember where it came from. It will graduate from their pocket/purse to their desk, to their dresser top and eventually into a box of keepsake things, but it will never be thrown away.

Interesting how that can happen, especially when most owners, managers & purchasing buyers take great pains to match the promotional product to their product, business, client base, trade show, office event, etc.

For the most part we supply fine quality products, chosen to represent the company for a long time as a useful and attractive gift or promotion.

It's true that customers are always looking for that next great idea.

They generally want something they haven't bought or used before so they can give their customers or prospects something different.

Some people want something useful as well.

The other thing they generally need is a budget price.

Different, Useful, Cheap.

There are many products that fall into this category but once the customer has bought them, they are no longer different.

Some customers may want to show some continuity with their promotional products for their/prospect / staff / etc. Maybe we could use the same item but change the logo / text / colour / etc. Maybe the result would be an appreciation for the continuity of items from that supplier. Get known for that item - start a collection. Have a contest for the complete collection. Whatever comes to mind. How many ways can you get your prospect to look at the cheap, different and useful item you gave them?

Call me for ideas. I own Winning Fairways Inc.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


You'll see by the references of TV shows that this was originally posted about 2007 when Winning Fairways was my company.  Same message today but now the company is my daughter's, Corrine Doolan Johnstone.

How many of us actually follow the guru's message to write down our goals, check them daily, check them off and renew them regularly?
While flipping the TV last night, we came across Millionaire Inside on CNBC and heard some motivational speakers. Great stuff, and it always is, and they had a short list summary of what to do.
1. Choose 5 people as mentors, 3 to show the way and 2 to keep you on track.
2. Write down why it is important that you be rich. I know they meant real reasons, not just so you can have more money.
3. Change your environment. Change whatever is holding you back. Where you live, your job, your friends, whatever's keeping you from achieving your goals.
4. Shift your focus to your greatest strength. Do this tomorrow morning, think about it during the day and consider what you've thought about at night. Do this everyday.
You know, I'll probably tune in to that show again. I found it refreshing to actually think about myself and family during an evening TV bout rather than wondering if Horatio is going to catch the criminal on CSI Miami (which he always does).
Personally, I always get something out of the motivational speakers. I think there is a lot of common sense out there. I believe that most people are already doing the things that the gurus tell us. It's how they spin the message and put it into context with their own story. It's learning the tenacity and stick-to-it-ness that's the tough part.
So what doe's this have to do with promotional products? Well its all in the spin. While you're changing your focus, and your environment, you'll want to change the way others look at you and/or your business.
Give them something to see and feel, that will make them think of you. It could be some small give-away product, a ball cap, a tee shirt, a USB flash card, or anything with your company name emblazoned on it. Maybe even your slogan or motto.
DO SOMETHING and you'll feel better. Small steps add up. Just one new person or contact approached each day = 30 per month = 365 per year. IMAGINE 365 new contacts, just like that. Some of them will become your clients or customers. Some of them will tell others about you and they will come to you.
It's nice to talk about becoming a millionaire but while you're talking about it, start the ball rolling, get into something you like, become the expert at it, do something each day that'll move you towards your goal.
I'm Rod Winning ex-president of Winning FairWays Inc. Now Corrine.   Promotional Products for Success or

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

CUSTOMER OR CLIENT? When and How Did Your Customer Become Your Client?

From Webster's concise edition.

Customer: a person who buys from a shop or business, esp. regularly.

Client: a person who employs another professionally; a customer.

Clientele: clients or customers.

In my company, we are constantly contacting prospects to sell promotional products. Hopefully, some of those prospects will become customers. From the definition above, those customers will or should become clients when we get to know each other and build the trust to become their promotional products expert or professional.

How many times have people said, 'okay, here's what I want, you go ahead and design or make or do it, "you're the professional" '.

Well you are the pro at what you do, if you have a drycleaning shop or a flower shop, you are the pro, people come in and trust you to do the job correctly so they will look good when they get the finished product. If you perform well, they will probably come back.

All we really want is for people (customers) to come to our store, be it virtual or brick/mortar and trust us to do our job. We are the professionals of our industry.

When that happens we have clients rather than customers.

Now we have to treat our Clients as Clients.
  • Make it easy for them to deal with you.
  • Remember their name, business and some details. (read their credit card if need be)
  • Build relationships with small talk.
  • Be friendly, helpful and fair.
  • Offer new product ideas and share upcoming changes to your business.
  • Ask for their advice in areas you think may be helpful to you.
  • Train your staff to do the same as you do.
  • Show client/customer appreciation.

You can't rest on you laurels just because you have some faithful/loyal clients. You must try to convert all you customers to become clients. Let them all see your professionalism and friendliness.

As it is anywhere, there will always be people that just come for the Bargain, Price, Location or Availability. They are just customers but treat them well and always consider them as possible clients.

Build your Clientele database and use it to contact them for special events or special information. Your clients will appreciate the effort and it will keep you close to them.

Whatever your product or service, constant networking within your own clientele list will expand that database through word of mouth.

Promotional Products are one way of keeping in touch with people when they are away from your shop. It may be a key tab, pen or a shopping tote bag.

My name is Rod Winning,

My company is Winning FairWays Inc. Promotional Products for Success

Saturday, June 30, 2007

IT TAKES A COMMUNITY To Raise a successful business

It takes a community to raise a successful business.
Everyone working in concert.
Staff, Suppliers, Customers, IT, Couriers, Banking, Family, everybody.

Do you really know what you want for your business or even from your business?

Once you decide, and I'm not really the guy to tell you what you need, you will want to find a way to reach your goals.

Everyone knows that you need a goal and a plan. Pretty easy to say.
Might as well just write it down now and head off in the right direction. Remember, the goal keeps changing. When you think you're getting close to your goal, take another look at where you started and where you want to be. Things change eh?

My business is aimed at helping people who are helping themselves. Helping yourself probably started when you first had the idea to be in business or when you took on that new job.

If you want to get yourself and your business noticed amongst the crowd of competitors, suppliers and customers, try advertising through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to promote your product, company or event, try advertising through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to reward your faithful, loyal, hardworking, innovative employees, try rewards through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to be remembered and stand out at a Trade Show event, try promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to succeed in general, try a promotional products program directed to the target.

Just one target at a time? That's up to you. Who or what is the Target, your Target?

The target is the person you need on your side all the way to reaching your goals.

The target is not just a customer but it is a supplier, tradesman, IT person, key employee, general help employee, their families, your family and friends.

The target is the community in which you live and work.




Do you see the comparison?
Call Rod Winning
Rod Winning is the president of Winning Fairways Inc. Promotional Products for Success Rod has a background in business. contact at

Monday, June 25, 2007


How do I find the best promotional products supplier in Canada?

If you're looking for the best promotional products company around, or the best in Canada, you'll have a hard time determining the winner.

Yes there are some very large companies selling across the country. Some of them have branch offices in major cities so you can deal with them locally. But any way you look at it you end up dealing with a sales person.

There are thousands of PP companies and they all offer virtually the same products from the large number of promotional products manufacturers from all over the world. You probably see the same catalogs from the different companies that call on you.

You may want to ask yourself a better question.

How can I find the sales person who will get the product, service, price and delivery that I need to complete my task of purchasing promotional products for our event?

After all , it all comes down to people doing business with people.

You are better off to find the person you can relate to and trust, most often through word of mouth (networking) or some other method of meeting with and talking to a PP representative who gets what you are looking for. Someone with whom you can relate to and feel confident.

Selection, Price, Quality and Delivery are all the important factors to be considered but trust is right up there. You must have the confidence that your order is being looked after and that the actual delivery and promises will be met.

Through my career in Steel Service Centre sales and 10 years as a Trophies & Awards company, my philosophy has been " I make it easy for you to do business with us".

Call Winning FairWays Inc.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Seven Ways To Focus On Your Business - Promotional Products are a tool

If you focus on your business, it will cause your customers to focus on your business too.
Promotional products are a tool to help this 'focus' process.

Here are 7 ways to Focus on Your Business
  • Write down your goal and vision.
  • Keep your eyes on the prize.
  • Develop many ways of moving towards your goals.
  • Use all the tools available.
  • Don't spread yourself too thin.
  • Keep some 'slush' time for emergencies.
  • Plan time-outs for yourself.

When you look back at the goals and vision you wrote, make notations regarding the achievements you've made and the path you are on. Adjust the goals as required. Add some new products or services. Eliminate the problem customer, products or services.

There are some cliches or thumb rules which always seem to be true, like
80% of your business will come from 20% of your customers.
80% of your sales will be done by 20% of your employees.
80/20 - I can't remember who's law that is but I know it works.
It's definitely not Murphy's Law which is 'if anything can go wrong, it will".

It's prudent to remember these laws, and just get on with business.

Things happen but the prize goes to person that rolls with the punches, survives and comes back smelling like roses.

You hear of this person often. Most people will say they are lucky, but they are most likely smart, intuitive and flexible.

Make the most out of any situation.

You have it in you to do what you want. Make the plan, work the plan, prepare for the worst, hope for the best and take whatever comes, in your stride.

My friend Greg Nichols at says 'It's not important to get it perfect just get it going'

Promotional products are a tool in the grand scheme of things. Use them wisely.

Call me, Rod Winning

Saturday, June 9, 2007


The Next Great Idea - Instead of Cheap, Different or useful let's go for collectible, alike and continuity.

I have customers that are always looking for that next great idea.

They generally ask for something they haven't bought or used before so they can give thier customers or prospects something different.

Some people want something useful as well. The other thing they need is a cheap price. Let me see, Different, Useful, Cheap.

It's hard to get it all.

When I had the Trophy & Engraving business my customers wanted fast, quality and cheap. We offered a choice of 2 of the following.-High Quality-Dependable Delivery-Cheap Price. It's hard for them to pick 2 only .

Let's see-Different-Useful-Cheap. Same problem, hard to pick the right 2 qualities isn't it.

While I'm telling you this, I better let you know now that there are products that fall into this category but once the customer has bought them, they are no longer different.

Let's go with being not different.

Maybe we show some continuity with the customer / prospect / staff / etc.
Maybe we could use the same item but change the logo / text / colour / etc.
Maybe the result would be an appreciation for the continuity of item from that supplier.
Get known for that item. Start a collection. Have a contest for the most complete collection at a later date. Whatever comes to mind.
How many ways can you get your prospect to look at the cheap, different and useful item you gave them?

Call me for ideas Rod Winning or
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fast, Cheap or Good, pick two for pricing

The Next Great Idea - Cheap, Different or useful (choose 2 ?)
This reminds me of the person that asks for high quality, cheap price and fast delivery. We always had to say Pick the two that are most important. The price is affected by each one of the components.

My customers are always looking for that next great idea.

They generally want something they haven't bought or used before so they can give their customers or prospects something different.

Some people want something useful as well.

The other thing they need is a cheap price.

Let me see, Different, Useful, Cheap.It's hard to get it all.

When I had the Trophy & Engraving business we offered a choice of 2 of the following.
-High Quality
-Dependable Delivery
-Cheap Price

It's hard to pick the 2 that you want.

Let's see-Different-Useful-Cheap Same thing, hard to pick the right 2 items isn't it.

While I'm telling you this, I better let you know now that there are products that fall into this category but once the customer has bought them, they are no longer different.

Let's go with being not different.. Maybe we show some continuity with the customer / prospect / staff / etc.

Maybe we could use the same item but change the logo / text / colour / etc.

Maybe the result would be an appreciation for the continuity of
items from that supplier.

Get known for that item. Start a collection.Have a contest for the complete collection. Whatever comes to mind. How many ways can you get your prospect to look at the cheap, different and useful item you gave them?

Call me for ideas Rod Winning rod.winning@gmail.comor

Monday, May 21, 2007

It takes a community to raise a successful business.

Do you really know what you want for your business or even from your business?

Once you decide, and I'm not really the guy to tell you what you need, but you will probably want to find a way to reach your goals.

Everyone knows that you need a goal and a plan. Pretty easy to say. Now just write it down and head off in the right direction.

My Promotional Products 101 business is aimed at helping people who are helping themselves.

If you want to get noticed amongst the crowd of competitors and customers, try advertising through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to promote your product, company or event, try advertising through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to reward your faithful, loyal, hardworking, innovative employees, try rewards through promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to be remembered and stand out at a Trade Show event, try promotional products directed to the target.

If you want to succeed in general, try a promotional products program directed to the target.

What is the Target?

The target is the person you need on your side all the way to reaching your goal. The target is not just a customer but it is a supplier, tradesman, IT person, key employee, general help employee, thier families, your family and friends.

It takes a community to raise a family, and it takes a community to raise a successful business!

Do you see the comparison?

Winning Fairways Inc. is in the business of helping you reach the target and your goal.

Call Rod Winning

Monday, May 14, 2007

Timing, Timing, Timing (not location, l, l.)

Timing, Timing, Timing (not location, location, location)
10 steps to achieving max performance –through recognition, a key to promotional products 101

1. Timing, Timing, Timing. (Not Location, Location, Location)
Nowadays, you just don't know where the person your talking to on the phone or computer is located. Could be next door, same town or somewhere else in the world.

2. Quality (not cheap, does the trick)

3. Appropriateness (choose the award to match the event)

4. First Impression, Last Impression

5. Corporate Image Your image is important where every you are located. Most images now are projected through the phone or over the internet.

6. Achievability of contests or programs

7. Image building. Communicate/advertise the program, the winners

8. Reciprocation works and creates obligation

9. Consistency exudes reliability

10. Focus on your- Business- Product- Customers- Suppliers- Employees. Focus on each one, one at a time. Remember these items as Promotional Products 101 hopefully takes us through all the reasons and results of well executed promotional products programs.

Call Rod Winning

Inukshuks - a constant reminder of relationships

INUKSHUKS - a symbol of dependence on strong relationships.

INUKSHUKS have become a great promotional product gift which carries many very good and intentional meanings. Although the original sign posts are found in North West Territories and the Arctic, they have become popular all over Canada and have been adopted bythe West Coast with a giant Inukshuk in Vancouver overlooking English Bay.Even the 2010 Olympic's has chosen it as their symbol.The most popular Inukshuks are made from frosted glass blocks and built into shape from 2" high to 11" high. They have become popular as Awards of excellence, Corportate team building, Sports achievement or just gifts from visitors.The Inukshuks we sell are made in Vancouver BC Canada.We always include a card which tells the story of the Inukshuk.The stories vary but have the same relative meaning.

INUKSHUKS Stone figures built to resemble humans, Inukshuks originally found along Canada’s northern shores are now popular in B.C. and throughout Canada. Built as landmarks to aid in navigation, the Inukshuk has been adopted as a symbol to remind us of our dependence on each other and the value of strong relationships.We value the Inukshuk an important promotional product.

Call for info and pictures Rod Winning

Friday, April 27, 2007

'I'm not a plastic bag' - sells out in UK

Wow, the 'I'm not a plastic bag' sold 20,000 pces from 45o stores in a few hours in UK. That just shows that people all over the world will in fact spend a few dollars to help 'Mother Earth'

I posted this article April 11, 2007

Eco friendly shopping bags - plastic bags banned

-Tofino BC is looking at a plastic bag tax as a way to reduce plastic in the landfill.
-Leaf Rapids, Manitoba banning plastic bags.
-Rossland BC banning plastic shopping bags.
-Ireland has a plastic bag levy since 2002 and reduced use by 90%.

It will take a desire from businesses to offer alternatives
and a desire from customers to consider how they can make a difference.

Ladner village (Delta BC) is looking at more ways to become eco friendly.

The promotional products industry for years has been selling custom imprinted tote bags which are reusable and which will carry the logo / message of the supplier.

These have always been a good promotions tool.

Imagine your name, logo and message being carried to the shopping mall, packed with goods, taken home, unpacked and put back in the car for the next trip. These could last literally forever.
People will also develop their favourite bag. Just like ladies have their favourite purse.
How do you want to be seen? Like you're doing something to help? or like you don't care?

Call for pictures of bags and pricing for imprinting of logo and message. shows some promotional products pictures and links.

With Gratitude. Rod Winning or

Monday, April 23, 2007

These pieces will live on forever!!

The Promotional Products arsenal would not be complete without a good line of Custom Cast Medalions, Coins, Lapel Pins, Belt Buckles, Key Tags, Golf & luggage Bag Tags, Ornaments, desk accessories anon.

There is a wide range of qualities to consider. Econo Graphic poly dome, Budget Soft enamel, authentic cloisonne, casted and pewter, die struck and precious metals. The choices also include many colours and shapes to meet your logo or design requirements

There is something for every budget. These custom made items are perfect for Tournament keepsakes, Corporate celebrations, Promotional items to be given out at trade shows to prospective customers or to be given out to preferred suppliers and customers as a memento of an achievement.

The pricing is relative to the quantity where the more you buy the less expensive they are.

These items will live on forever. The quality of the pieces will show and the recipient will never throw that item away. It will be used, treasured and finally kept in a safe place. This is one promotional product which will last.

For information and pictures Call Rod Winning

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ready Target - Ready Aim Network

Not having any success networking?

Are you actually networking or are you just going to a lot of meetings?

I sell promotional products. Virtually anything imprinted to be given to a target audience. My customers could be literally anyone from the elementary school volleyball team to a multi-national corportation, and anywhere in between. My target is wide to the extreme.

To effectively network, you are the networker. You talk to people about your business and learn about thier business.

They will hopefully refer their network of acquaintences to you while you can refer your network of friends to them.

Sounds pretty easy but of course it's not. You'll collect and hand out a lot of cards. Contact by follow ups via email or phone, and sometimes refer one contact to another contact. It takes time but it's worth it to build that data base.

Try targeting the areas of business you'd like to attract. I don't mean that you don't talk to people who aren't on your target list, but just try to make sure you're at the right meetings, luncheons, associations, clubs, charities, etc. Be seen and heard where ever you go. Have your elevator speech memorized.

The 6 degrees of separation is a revolutionary concept putting each of us a max of only 6 people away from any one with whom we'd like to talk.

Plan and Network towards your Target.

Promotional Products can be used in networking. There are lots of inexpensive items like pens and scratch pads emblazoned with your name and products which say to the prospect 'Remember me when I've gone.' Rod Winning

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Need to Succeed? - Get Noticed?

What do I have to do to get noticed?
Do I need a promotional product?
Tired of keeping on keeping on.
Let's make some changes in the way we do things.
Let's get noticed.

But how to do it? What works best for me and my product or service?

Well, some people are comfortable to put the ad in the yellow pages,
some local newspapers and set up a website, then wait for the phone to ring.

Unless that is working well for you, you may want to add the Networking effect where
you volunteer in strategic places and network with the people there. Strategically sponsor
teams and put your business card ad in special programs.

Networking doesn't happen to you. You have to network. Plan or just let it happen but
make sure you are the networker. When you go to a luncheon, you move around, introduce yourself, trade cards and move on. You will soon figure out who in the room you need to talk to. Always remember that networking is not direct selling. You want the other person to know what you do but you must also find out what they do. The whole idea in networking is to help others while they help you.

I just about forgot... Promotional Products are always a great value for your dollar. Any item you choose (and budget) goes directly to the target.
What or Who is your TARGET??

Monday, April 16, 2007

Cloth, Imprintable reusable eco friendly shopping bags

Eco friendly shopping bags - plastic bags banned

Tofino BCis looking at a plastic bag tax as a way to reduce plastic in the landfill.
Leaf Rapids, Manitoba banning plastic bags.
Rossland BC banning plastic shopping bags
Ireland has a plastic bag levy since 2002 and reduced use by 90%.It will take a desire from businesses to offer alternatives and a desire from customers to consider how they can make a difference.

Ladner village (Delta BC) is looking at more ways to become eco friendly.

The promotional products industry for years has been selling custom imprinted tote bags which will be reusable and which will carry the logo / message of the supplier.These have always been a good promotion tool.

Imagine your name, logo and message being carried to the shopping mall, packed with goods, taken home, unpacked and put back in the car for the next trip. These could last literally forever. People will also develop their favourite bag. Just like ladies have their favourite purse.

How do you want to be seen? Like you're doing something to help? or like you don't care?

Call for pictures of bags and pricing for imprinting of logo and shows some promotional products pictures.

With Gratitude. Rod Winning

Friday, April 13, 2007

Recognition - Wow what a word. Just look at all the ways it can be used.

The act of recognizing , or the state of being recognized..
Friendly notice..
Acknowledgment and acceptance on the part of one government of the independence of another..
An obligation of record, with condition to do some particular act, as to appear and answer..
A sum of money deposited as surety for fulfillment of such act or obligation, and foreited by its nonperformance
To perceive as identical with someone or something previously known..
To identify, as by previous experience: I recognize good work when I see it.
To perceive as true: To recognize the facts in a case..
To acknowledge the independence and validity of, as a newly constituted government.
To indicate appreciation or approval of..
To regard as valid or genuine: To recognize a claim..
To give ( someone ) permission to speak, as in a legislative body.
To admit the aquiantance of ; Greet.

Gratitude (907 Roget’s)
Reward (962 Roget’s)
Discovery, Invention, Sensitive, Thoughtful, Take cognizance of, distinguishable, intelligibility.
The theory of recognition next time.
With Gratitude Rod Winning

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Is that your real name?

People often ask if Winning is my real name or if I just use it because it's the name of my company Winning FairWays Inc. promotional products.

Well it is my name and has been since I was born many years ago, right in Vancouver BC. All those years I worked in the Steel Service Centre Industry as Purchasing Manager mostly, then Sales Manager and eventually General Manager of a variety of very large companies that have since disappeared from business. Nothing to do with me, all 'corporate' decisions back east or down south, some to cash in the huge inventories for money for other 0pportunities or others with just bad corporate decisions.

Anyway I met people named Steele and Rusty which fit right in to that business. Not until I started my Trophy & Engraving shop did my name really fit into the business. Now that I am selling Promotional Products, Winning really fits in.

What a nice business this is. Awards, Recognition, Incentives, Attraction, Thank you's, etc. We just help people do the nice things they are doing for their players, employees, customers, suppliers.