Saturday, June 16, 2007

Seven Ways To Focus On Your Business - Promotional Products are a tool

If you focus on your business, it will cause your customers to focus on your business too.
Promotional products are a tool to help this 'focus' process.

Here are 7 ways to Focus on Your Business
  • Write down your goal and vision.
  • Keep your eyes on the prize.
  • Develop many ways of moving towards your goals.
  • Use all the tools available.
  • Don't spread yourself too thin.
  • Keep some 'slush' time for emergencies.
  • Plan time-outs for yourself.

When you look back at the goals and vision you wrote, make notations regarding the achievements you've made and the path you are on. Adjust the goals as required. Add some new products or services. Eliminate the problem customer, products or services.

There are some cliches or thumb rules which always seem to be true, like
80% of your business will come from 20% of your customers.
80% of your sales will be done by 20% of your employees.
80/20 - I can't remember who's law that is but I know it works.
It's definitely not Murphy's Law which is 'if anything can go wrong, it will".

It's prudent to remember these laws, and just get on with business.

Things happen but the prize goes to person that rolls with the punches, survives and comes back smelling like roses.

You hear of this person often. Most people will say they are lucky, but they are most likely smart, intuitive and flexible.

Make the most out of any situation.

You have it in you to do what you want. Make the plan, work the plan, prepare for the worst, hope for the best and take whatever comes, in your stride.

My friend Greg Nichols at says 'It's not important to get it perfect just get it going'

Promotional products are a tool in the grand scheme of things. Use them wisely.

Call me, Rod Winning

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