Monday, September 3, 2007

Machu Picchu and Your Business

500 years ago, the Inca's built this masterpiece city on the top of mountains, completely protected from their enemies. Self sustaining, hidden, high in the mountain region of the Andies and safe.
This 'Lost City of the Inca's' is now on of the 7 wonders of the modern world. When it was found, it was in pretty much the state that the Inca's left it, although the weather has played a part in deterioration.
The people of Machu Picchu are working steadily to rebuild and ruins and maintain the city as it was. It is open from about 7AM to 5PM every day. There is a gate on the trail to Wauen Picchu where the city reaches it's highest points and the trails are narrow and one way. It is the mountain peak so famous in pictures as seen above. One way up and one way down. Only 400 people can do this climb each day and they have usually filled up by 7:30 AM.
So what has this to do with Promotional Products and my business?
Well I've always had a motto when a job came along which just looked too tough that it may not be possible. 'They built the Pyramids, didn't they? Once you size your job up against the Pyramids, then all of a sudden the task at hand doesn't look so big and impossible.
Now I can say 'They built Machu Picchu didn't they? We should be able to do anything we put our mind to. The Incan's were just people with a plan and they took to it and got it done.
So what's the difference to us. We have a plan (don't we?) so let's get to it and get it done.
If your plan includes promoting your company far and wide, and you think you could use some help in the promotional products department, give me a call.
Machu Picchu is so vast, amazing and beautiful that you can't prepare yourself for the viewing. Whatever you think you are going to see, it is that and more. Even before you get on site, you will be seeing things which will amaze you.
It definitely is a must see
Rod Winning

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